Movie Review: Casino Royale

Didn't think I would; tired of the previous Bonds; wasn't looking forward to this one. Instead, I walked out of the theatre, excited and wistful for the next in the series.
The screenwriting was actually good, unlike in the recent past, where tongue-in-cheek garbage spewed from Bond's mouth (i.e. "I thought Christmas only came once a year" *cue Denise Richards silhouette*).
There was no strange unbelievable sci-fi gadgetry, in fact, there was no Q (think invisible cars racing through frozen lakes).
Bond was not immaculate or infallible - in fact, he stumbles during chase scenes, gets cuts and bruised from fights, leaves his tuxedo a bit untucked, and a few other signifiers that if I divulge will give some of the good stuff away. Very tellingly, he even washes blood off his hands.
Casino Royale gave the audience what it really wants: A psychological thriller about spies. Throw in some daring action sequences, a love story (and this time, it's really love), gambling, torture and Europe, and you have a great movie that is believable. Ian Flemming is probably frollicking in his grave.
The biggest con? Bond would never drive a Ford.
If you haven't seen it yet, it's worth watching. I would say it's the biggest comeback since Batman Begins. And who didn't love that movie.