Monday, December 04, 2006

Wassily Kandinsky

Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No. 3


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm looking at this piece, and can't help but think of seafood...

I see a fatty tuna, a killer whale or dolphin... and a seagull with feathers on top. The various colors are to me, oil slick "shine" or remnants of a pastel dream gone awry. Either that, or its the aftermath of a cataclysmic tsunami?

(2 seconds of post-googling)... NVM, its supposed to be Park Avenue? Who would've thought?!

12:16 AM  
Blogger Jeanne said...

You are the only one who commented on this post!

It's abstract - it is whatever you interpret it to be (tuna, dolphin, all sounds good to me) or nothing at all.

That's what I love about it.

12:33 AM  

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