Atlanta this weekend
I reread my "Secret Hopes" post and boy it sounds a bit sad. Let me add a bit of color:
This weekend, I'll be visiting Arj the Large's hometown of Atlanta. What will I do this weekend? Party it up at Sutra? Late night leering at Cheetah? Midnight crappy-ass eggs at the Waffle house?
I will be with Granny Hwang, listening to two old ladies talk about the "olden days" (actually, that was about 70 years ago so I'll give it to them), and helping her two night visit to be as smooth and wonderful as possible. Can you believe, I'm actually excited!
Despite this secret hope not coming true, I had a great time on Saturday night.
Finally partied with the people that I will be hitting the slopes with in February (a.k.a they will be fortunate enough to see me fall on my face many times that weekend), ran into friends from my American Red Cross days (he even bought me a drink; I didn't even know what went into a "drink" back then), and hung out with two of my best friends. The secret hope that didn't come out, well, he's done other things to show up the secret hope so I have no complaints there.
This weekend, I'll be visiting Arj the Large's hometown of Atlanta. What will I do this weekend? Party it up at Sutra? Late night leering at Cheetah? Midnight crappy-ass eggs at the Waffle house?
I will be with Granny Hwang, listening to two old ladies talk about the "olden days" (actually, that was about 70 years ago so I'll give it to them), and helping her two night visit to be as smooth and wonderful as possible. Can you believe, I'm actually excited!

awww you're grandma is so cute. she's the only one who calls me "jinty".
She really wanted to make you crepe when you came over the other day... I'll trade you for some kim chi.
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