Thursday, December 14, 2006


Do not be devastated and remain calm... I accidentally deleted the customization of the blog, which includes links to other blogs, sites and my favorite posts. I repeat: everyone remain calm - there is no cause for alert. There are no WMD's. I did not inhale. All your bases are belong to us.

This is where I would use an two astericks that sandwich a verb to express distress, like so: *sigh*

Will try put it back up within the month. Maybe I should just shut this thing down. Again. Except this time it's not due to crazy commentary from unnamed persons I do not know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know Sis, 2007 is approaching, and a new year just calls for a new layout...

Fresh blank page to scribble on. Rome wasn't built in a day! It's the contents that count, the substance within, the chocolate at the center of a tootsie pop, the jelly inside the donut... Errm Yea.

(~_~) Alas, all is not lost and not for naught. Don't disappear...


10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can help if you need me to.

7:47 AM  
Blogger Anjum said...

Ooh. so I just noticed your profile picture, and thought it was really pretty. So I clicked on it to see it full size and realized, "hey! I took that picture!" and that made me smile not because I took such a great picture of you but because I remembered that moment when I was with you. It seems like so long ago. :-(

9:31 PM  

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