Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Weekend Part Uno

It's been a while - sorry!

Spent the weekend in south Florida with the one and only ConStEr thE MOnSteR. We had a blast. The mileage gauge on my gold Toyota Solara rental read 400 mi as of this morning.

We realized that both of us are completely insane overly analytical planners. Which worked out great because we condoned each other's anality. It took us one week to decide if we should stay in Key Largo (1.5 hour drive from Miami) or Marathon (2.5 hour drive from Miami). After checking into our hotel in Key Largo, and to rectify our indecisiveness, we decided to be spontaneous and drive down to the southern most tip of the United States, Key West. [Sidebar: can you "decide" to be spontaneous?] We made it in record time, stopping to take pictures of the ocean, the birds in the wind and generally posing as Asian tourists along the way. The entire drive was filled with a beautiful sunset upon the water on both sides of the famous US 1 highway. It was incredibly romantic. Connie, I think I'm in love.

When we got to Key West at 7 p.m., we spent almost an hour looking for parking (it is an island after all, and there are only so many spots available, especially when the rest of the state of Florida is in town for their halloween celebration, FantasyFest). For once, I parked illegally, and it felt liberating. I felt a little dirty doing it, but don't tell anyone.

Unfortunately, "paint" was outlawed a few years ago as a form of clothing, so there weren't as many scandalous costumes as we expected (hoped). By 10:30 p.m., we left the infamous little island and drove two hours back to Key Largo, where we chatted for a brief 3 seconds before falling fast asleep.

To be continued...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Check out the cutest games on the planet: http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

From my Moleskine from 2.10.06

"Almost everytime I fly, I revel at the fact that pilots must see the most amazing sights from the cockpit.

They literally see the entire horizon; landscape, seascape, skyscape- sometimes, I am almost speechless when I look out the crappy 10x15" window- what it must be like to see the span of the entire sky!

... I wonder if any photography books publish photos taken out of the cockpit window. If not, wouldn't it be a great idea? Out of the Cockpit's Window is what I'd title it.

I really love landing in NY - to see outside the window and get a view of the skyline. It is so unique; the grids of the streets of Brooklyn."

(Then I drew a lot of lines that look like grids. like drunk grids, but grids none-the-less)

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Walk for Alzheimers

When I received an email to walk for Alzheimer's, I was hestitant to sign up. I wanted to donate to the walker, but did not want to commit myself as a walker. After looking at the website, I found that my hesitance stemmed a little from fear. Fear that walking would not make a difference in this fight, and it would be a waste.

I realize though that it's not just a fight but a cause. And that even if I raise $1 for the cause, at least I did something active for it. In a way, I am walking to help my grandfather - even though he won't benefit from this walk now, I am helping his cause. So, I am walking in tribute to my grandfather who currently is suffering from Alzheimer's, and my little brother is joining me too.

So, thanks for yor support - monetary or otherwise. If you do want to donate, visit here: https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=161096&supId=149457517