Sunday, October 01, 2006

Walk for Alzheimers

When I received an email to walk for Alzheimer's, I was hestitant to sign up. I wanted to donate to the walker, but did not want to commit myself as a walker. After looking at the website, I found that my hesitance stemmed a little from fear. Fear that walking would not make a difference in this fight, and it would be a waste.

I realize though that it's not just a fight but a cause. And that even if I raise $1 for the cause, at least I did something active for it. In a way, I am walking to help my grandfather - even though he won't benefit from this walk now, I am helping his cause. So, I am walking in tribute to my grandfather who currently is suffering from Alzheimer's, and my little brother is joining me too.

So, thanks for yor support - monetary or otherwise. If you do want to donate, visit here:


Blogger Dr. A said...

It's great you were able to participate in the walk. I work with Alz patients all the time, and as you can imagine, it's a tragic disease.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Thought I would do the same. Great blog. I'll be back again. Keep up the great work. I like the pics!

10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I don't know if its the shows (Grey's Anatomy? Scrubs?) Sis, but I hope you find your INTP or ISTP Doctor! =)

Oh yea: (Ran across this)

You take good care of yourself now K? Not only for your sake, but for your family and loved ones that need ya. You know where to find me if you need me Mei.

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sis,

I retook this site's 3 other versions of the Jung test and got the result ISTJ!

So I guess I'm not a INFP. Just wanted to clarify.

So interesting... (o.O)

So are you really a ENTJ?

2:37 AM  
Blogger Jeanne said...

Haha, thanks Jimmy - I didn't realize that my telling you about Myers Brigg would spurn such interest! Last I took, I was ENTJ - I will take again in the future. When you get a chance, look into some psychology theories by Professors Daryl and Sandra Bem. They were married. Daryl was one of my professors at school - you'll find their theories... interesting...

9:45 AM  
Blogger Max E Pad said...

I think charitable events such as this one are always fun. Instead of donating to a website or organization, with walks or races, you can actually participate in making the cause happen. It makes you feel good; and you're accomlishing something whether it's walking 5 miles or running 3. Go you, Jeanne! I'm VERY proud of you!

10:26 AM  

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