T.V. nation

These days, I try to catch:
Grey's Anatomy
Big Love
The Steelers
And usually, when I come across it, I watch:
The Apprentice
South Park
One show that makes me cringe and instantaneously burst into flames of anger and annoyance:
Nancy Grace (JUST SHUT THE HELL UP, you freaking arse that is an embarrassment not only to my gender but to the entire species)
But in the past, there were certain hours of my life that I knew (and my family knew too) was reserved to ensure that I caught -
Every single episode of:
The X-Files, Friday nights at 9
TGIF shows on ABC, Friday nights at 8
Will & Grace
Saturday Night Live
Of course, there was the usual after-school programming, which included Saved by the Bell and Full House, but they weren’t held as in high priority as the above listed. And now, not a single show captures my cult-like devotion as those shows once did. Interesting.
So what shows do you regularly watch now?
The Soprano's for me. Can't wait for the "final" season to complete. I used to skip friday youth services at church during H.S years to catch the X-Files... It was somewhat worth it... Gillian Anderson and David Duchovney... what a pair.
Well, As for Grey's Anatomy and Scrubs: I'll make a note of those two*
Coming soon inside a pink, green or blue batch near you. =)
Really? I had no idea that you were big Soprano's fan. I'm glad to know : )
grey's anatomy is good but i never catch it b/c i'm usually traveling Sunday nights. and if I'm home, my mom has taken over the TV. so uh, not much TV. Scrubs is good but again, rarely remember to watch it. So mostly it's SATC reruns whenever they're on.
Family Guy
Top Model
I used to watch grey's, scrubs... but, I can't stick with it week after week...
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