Can't concentrate
Tons to do but I can't buckle down and do it. Instead, I'm looking at different iPod nano armbands, and blogging about it. What's wrong with me?
I think part of it has to do with the gigantore birthday lunch I had with Connie today. We had 2.5 courses + amuse bouche + those little chocolates and macaroons at the end (Connie and I split the last course, hence the .5, and thank goodness we did because there's only so much sweetbread one can enjoy in one sitting) at Jean-Georges, only a few blocks from my office. We took lunch from 12-2 p.m., and by the time I got back to my desk I couldn't concentrate for the life of me. It is now 4:22 p.m. and I haven't done much work (if any).

Re. the Nano, I am thinking about the 4GB iPod Nano in black. Since my main perogative is get an mp3 player for the gym, it's best to go with one with flash memory. Since I don't have that many songs, I won't need anything bigger than 4 gigs. Plus, a small size is critical to me because of my obsession with downsizing everything. The only thing holding me back from purchasing at this second is that the Nano doesn't have a radio - I can buy the radio add-on, but how uncouth that is. How does one spell "uncouth?" Anyway, I think I'll do it before this weekend ends; right now I'm searching for the right armband. Oh, and I can get free engraving on the back. Since I lost my iPod Mini, I thought an appropriate engraving would entail something along the lines of "If found, please return to.." But, I now realize that more likely than me losing it, the hotel staff probably stole it. In which case, I think the engraving should really read more along the lines of: "FUCK OFF." What do you think should be engraved on it?

Re. the Nano, I am thinking about the 4GB iPod Nano in black. Since my main perogative is get an mp3 player for the gym, it's best to go with one with flash memory. Since I don't have that many songs, I won't need anything bigger than 4 gigs. Plus, a small size is critical to me because of my obsession with downsizing everything. The only thing holding me back from purchasing at this second is that the Nano doesn't have a radio - I can buy the radio add-on, but how uncouth that is. How does one spell "uncouth?" Anyway, I think I'll do it before this weekend ends; right now I'm searching for the right armband. Oh, and I can get free engraving on the back. Since I lost my iPod Mini, I thought an appropriate engraving would entail something along the lines of "If found, please return to.." But, I now realize that more likely than me losing it, the hotel staff probably stole it. In which case, I think the engraving should really read more along the lines of: "FUCK OFF." What do you think should be engraved on it?
you should engrave
and people won't touch it.
you should put something discreetly threatening, like "this device will self-destruct if held in nonOwner's hands..." or, to go with something more vague, "PROPERTY OF UNITED STATES GOVT" or "C.I.A." or "Royal Services".. think anyone would fall for that?
"Please accept this gift as a wedding proposal. I promise long nights in bed and breakfast in the mornings. Slap me at your whim and abuse me to your hearts content". If that's too long to engrave, you should stick with "Jeanne Hwang's PAP Smear Applicator".
PS - if you engrave "AKA GAY DILDO", being in NYC, you would have less of a chance of getting it back then if you wrote nothing at all.
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