Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Slow down

Howie, in response to your comment on my last post, please see one of the comments from my first post - where the authenticity of my moleskine notebook was questioned. In refute, I quickly went out and purchased one, turned to the middle of the book, wrote in it as if I've had it all along, and took a picture. No, that is a lie. You know me; I wouldn't waste $14.50 on a book I don't plan on using ever again. I did however, take a photo of my moleskine, as the exec. on my project walked by, asking what on earth I was doing. "Taking a picture of my notebook that says 'Hey, Internet!' on it. Uh..." Come on, what else was I going to say, "Documenting requirements in a little black book & really documenting them by taking a picture!"

The story behind my moleskine goes all the way back to April-ish 2005 when I was on a project out in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul, for my friends who don't know the names of towns outside of Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, and the other two). I spent a weekend there but before my friend arrived (aforementioned friend, this sentence is a test to see if you still read my blog - if you don't, you are a biotch; if you do, I was just kidding about the biotch thing, BFF!), I rushed all around town after work, shopping, watching a movie ("Mysterious Skin"), eating, etc. etc.

One of my stops was at a Border's book store, where I was looking for my next read. I decided on Toni Morrison's Sula (if anyone wants to borrow it), and went to pay when I saw the all-being Moleskine, begging me to purchase it, which of course I did. Right after, I rushed around looking for a suitable restaurant, and when I found one, took out my book and started to read frantically. Then it hit me - exhaustion. And, the inevitable question that followed - why on earth was I rushing? Here I was, alone, on a Thursday night, in Minneapolis. WHERE WAS I GOING WITH SUCH URGENCY AND AGGRESSION?? So I took out my moleskine to write down my first entry- completeing it with the following sentence right before a plate of hot Thai basil chicken arrived in front of me: Slow down.


Blogger Jinhee said...

wha?! you have a blog?!! why didn't you ever tell me. hey unfair! hehe. anyway, are you back in nyc? sheez. heehee. I have a moleskine too! it goes with me everywhere!

3:30 PM  

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