Monday, May 22, 2006


For the past two weeks I actually forgot I have a blog! Oops.
Howdy doody.

Here's a quick updated:

June 3 - 10, ultimate relaxation vacation. With my girls (that would be Shanty and Anjum - Strawberry Cheesecake Ice cream, anyone?). To eat anything we want, sleep as late as we want, play as much golf as we want, and anything else the hell we want! In Palm Springs, CA.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Palm Springs? Really? That's some dry weather over there... with coyotes, sand and very little humidity. Check this out sis:

Really relaxing and Woo-Sa'ish. Ok Somewhat~ =P

Just dropping a line- S/F*

8:39 PM  
Blogger Max E Pad said...

I am SOOO excited for you all!!! That's awesome!! Wait, isn't that gay meca of the US? Hmmmm...Jeanne............

9:33 PM  
Blogger Jinhee said...


In response: hopefully in 2008.. but for a year only.

7:09 PM  

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