Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Happy 2-Year Anniversary

I started at my company exactly two years ago today.

Happy anniversary to me

...and on my promotion!


Blogger Max E Pad said...

I must say, pencil skirts look heaven on you. Well done.

1:10 PM  
Blogger Max E Pad said...

oh, and congrats on your promotion. Now you can buy many more pencil skirts. Again, well done.

1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

=) excellent pose : "you see this building, I just bought it! Whee!"

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CONGRATSSSS! You are awesome...and I second that, pencil skirts do look awesome on you. HI HOWARD!!!!!! =)

9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY, I took that picture when we went to dinner together!!! I feel so special! Check out my photography skills!

Congrats on your promotion! (and anniversary too!)

10:55 PM  
Blogger Max E Pad said...

One mention of Teresa's name and her head swells up like a balloon. are we related?

1:25 PM  
Blogger Jinhee said...


oh btw, I met some accenture folks during my labor day weekend outing.. jeff and shelagh?

2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sis, I'm so PROUD of you! =)

Here's to your 2 year mark, much warranted promotion, and future CEO! (^__^)O

12:55 AM  

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