Back by Popular Demand
The popular demand of my vast fan base (all five of you, and I'm not even joking), have inspired me to start blogging again.
That and my fear of wasting away this gift of writing that has been bestowed upon me. Oh no, wait, I take that back. Two days ago, my grandma and I were having a heart-to-heart about my Mother. She revealed to me that my Mother is an amazing writer, incredibly capable in both Chinese and English. She then completed her thought with, "She is a much better writer than you. Hm, I don't think you're very good are you? Guess it didn't pass down in the genes. Hehehe."
That and my fear of wasting away this gift of writing that has been bestowed upon me. Oh no, wait, I take that back. Two days ago, my grandma and I were having a heart-to-heart about my Mother. She revealed to me that my Mother is an amazing writer, incredibly capable in both Chinese and English. She then completed her thought with, "She is a much better writer than you. Hm, I don't think you're very good are you? Guess it didn't pass down in the genes. Hehehe."
daaaaaaaaaang gramma, way to lay it straight like that. she's so not right, btw - you do write very well.
and btw, "moleskine" may be some notebook thingy or whatever it says in your profile, but your site is j-moleskin. as in skin over a mole. whats up with that?
Oh I am so happy and my day is complete now that I can once again indulge in a little dose of Jeanne on a daily basis. YAY!
PS - I have to poo....are we still on the same excretion cycle?
Can you post a picture of your moleskine? i wanna see
I guess we aren't on the same cycle anymore. But i thought we had the same... liquid... cycle. Which is likely because I go every 30 minutes. (It's a cold office).
Every 30 minutes? Goodness, either you drink a lot of water and your bloated all the time, or you have a bladder the size of a....pea....
I only go about 3 times a day...that's probably why it smells like buttered popcorn half the time.....TMI, I know.
Good to see you back! Hope you transfer over the old entries for posterity's sake. Then again, its a new year, a clean slate, and another day.(^_^)o
haha, even though i'm not a blogger, i really missed going onto ur page once in awhile to read ur updates!
now, I'm sooo glad that YOU'RE BACK!!!
(i got bored of howie's blog, cuz he never updates his - it's always stuck on "Friday, October 21, 2005: Birds Fly...") yay, now YOU can keep me entertained instead
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