Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Random thought

I am hungry for sushi. And surrounded by clients, so cannot post anything more right now.

What a cop-out post for my 3rd entry. Ok here's what's on my mind right now (aside from some nice hamachi):

- I can't believe Milosevic has died in his cell. Yesterday’s NYTimes claim that he faked illness to try to get treatment from Moscow because he claimed Denmark’s doctors didn’t know what they were doing. But, to treat the bogus illness, the doctors gave him medication which reacted negatively (obviously) against his blood pressure medication.

- I <3 Bachelet

- Taxes.


Blogger Anjum said...

See, the situation differs based on how you view death. If you view death as just the end and nothing happens after that, then yeah he "got off easy." But, I view it as NOT the END, but a very painful stage before you face account for your actions. So even though Milosevic died in his cell and we (the world) didn't get to serve him justice, that does not mean that he has escaped punishment or that justice will not be served. Everyone will get theirs.

6:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasabi Sis! Bachelet? Hrmms... sounds like someone's going to be voting Hilary '08 heh. Chilean bass seems to be a better choice of <>< in light of the high levels of mercury in tuna...

-Ge' 007

5:50 PM  

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