Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Work Urban Legends

In this industry, there are always work urban legends to be told. "Did you hear about the guy who got staffed on a project where he got to go around all around Europe just to test cell phone scripts? He spent a few days in every city, where he worked for a few hours, and got to do whatever he wanted the rest of the time!" Or, "I heard there was once a project where the guy had to fly to the Arctic Circle - he took four different propeller planes, and he spent a few weeks there with 24 hours daylight."

Both true - know both the guys on the project.

The reason I mention this is because I think my next endeavor will soon become one of these legends. As of 4pm this afternoon, it was decided that this weekend, instead of flying home, I will be working. On a cruise ship. Who gets to take a 4 night cruise around in the Gulf of Mexico and call it work?? I DO! It will be work - tons of it; interviewing the crew and collecting tons of data and information. But in those wee off hours, I get to be a real guest. The spa. The meals. The shore excursions. The rock wall. And All. Paid. For.

I will be stopping in Key West, Florida and Cozumel, Mexico. The ship, The Enchantment of the Seas, was refurbished last year - they cut it in half, and added a few hundred feet. Who knew that you could cut ships in half? I will have a nice oceanview cabin all to myself. If you are curious about the ship, go here: http://www.royalcaribbean.com/findacruise/highlights.do;jsessionid=00001CerfEMoNqyVDrxn97ni9Q0:10ktmf05t?pagename=enchantment_highlights&shipCode=EN

My dad had to ship me a few essentials: passport, new digital SLR (so sweet), shorts, t-shirts, sunblock. I had to go buy some of the other unmentionables. Excited? Yes. Urban Legends, here I come.

Friday, July 07, 2006


Staying in Miami this weekend. Plans?

- Capoiera session
- Hangliding lesson over Miami beach
- Farmer's market at Lincoln Rd.
- ....work.

Ask me about it next week : )