Tuesday, January 09, 2007

On Bliatus

I am going on blogging hiatus for a little bit of time. Lots of resolution-type initiative that I'd like to get done, and while my blog does not take that much time, I figured I should explain why I may be m.i.a. for the next few weeks.

Most importantly, I'll still be stalking - I mean reading - your blogs, so KEEP POSTING for your # 1 fan!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Treasure Island

San Fran is rather beautiful. It was so foggy today, that my view out the window from the 41st floor was completely obliterated. To the point where I honestly thought that the window had been covered overnight with white construction paper.

This was the view later in the day when it actually cleared up:

It's not the Golden Gate, but it is Treasure Island.

San Francisco has a wonderful neighborhood feel to it; a coworker and I had dinner at a friend's house last night. Their house overlooked Twin Peaks, and the uniqueness of the neighborhood stuck out; I like it.

Friday, December 29, 2006

12.22.06 Recap

  • Was glad to don my presents that same night; only my girls knew what to get to pull that off.
  • Gorgeous ambiance at Kittichai and flawless food - an perfect choice for dinner.
  • Yes, the Chilean seabass was amazing, but that rack of lamb was gigantic.
  • The cake looked so good I didn’t want to eat it. But who would have thought, Kellog’s Corn Flakes? That was my first custom-made cake; I feel so special (and not short-bus special)
  • All nine of us in a random limo instead of waiting in the rain? Sweet.
  • Getting to Katra one hour late, not cool. Luckily, booze kept the people entertained.
  • Great music throughout the night, except for that 30 minutes for the “catwalk.” The cat never did walk.
  • Bobby, Jared & Kevin with a hookah… cracks me up.
  • Sandwiches from the corner deli at 3 a.m. is pretty funny.
  • Splendid.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Happy Holidays & happy new year!!

I do get to travel to some pretty cool places - I am just glad to be in NYC these past few days though.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Next step

Project is coming to an end and it's quite busy at work. What's next will likely be San Francisco starting 1/2/2007.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Do not be devastated and remain calm... I accidentally deleted the customization of the blog, which includes links to other blogs, sites and my favorite posts. I repeat: everyone remain calm - there is no cause for alert. There are no WMD's. I did not inhale. All your bases are belong to us.

This is where I would use an two astericks that sandwich a verb to express distress, like so: *sigh*

Will try put it back up within the month. Maybe I should just shut this thing down. Again. Except this time it's not due to crazy commentary from unnamed persons I do not know.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Birthday Present

Excitedly and unexpectedly, my mom & dad bought me my birthday present a few weeks ago. I dragged them with me to go buy a snowboard, because I needed the ride and company. But they insisted on getting it for me, as a birthday present, and man am I excited for it to snow.


Ride Solace 146

You can't see the detail, but this board is gorgeous. I love that a part of the wood is exposed and the graphics are enamel in-lay instead of completely painted over. Why paint over what's naturally well-made and appealing?

The board itself is all-mountain, perfect for my lack of tricks and jumps and desire to just carve down the slopes. With many falls in between.

Ride VxN bindings

Bindings don't get me excited, but at least they match the board. I never thought I'd care about things like boards and bindings matching, but, these are so feminine I couldn't help but let that side take over. Next thing you know, I might match my purse with my shoes...

Salomon Vigil Boots

Comfort is #1. Of all the brands I've tried, Salomons fit me best. The insides are made with slightly plushy material, making it all the more comfortable. Last year I tried on a pair that was made of velour inside; wish I got those as I can't find them anwhere now. Still, these moonshoes are all that I could ask for in a boot. Without heals.

Now, all it has to do is snow...

[Edit: I totally sound like I am in high school in the above post.]